Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 8: Tmeline of your day

Since I know SO many people care what I do every moment of my day...;)  Haha, here it goes:

5:00/5:30 - I try to get up in the morning to exercise...sometimes it happens, sometimes not.  I am really focusing on dropping some of this weight!  After that I take a shower. 

6:00/6:30 - Evalee wakes up and then the fun really begins ;)  She is normally a pretty happy camper in the morning...just typical 2-year-old drama. :)

7:15 - We leave to get Evie dropped off at daycare and me to work by 8, OR sometimes a few minutes after depending on if the drivers ahead of me are in a rush to get anywhere or not.  I occasionally get behind someone who apparently doesn't have anywhere to be...

8:00 - I start my work day...turn on the computer, chat with the co-workers a bit, look at the appointment schedule, check messages, things of that nature.

Between 9-10:  Sometime between 9 and 10 my co-worker Katie and I usually run over to the bakery to get day is not complete or even close to productive without coffee...

The rest of the morning I spend assisting clients who walk in, have appointments, or call.  That may sound boring, but really...most days it is anything but boring.  I encounter some pretty interesting situations on a daily basis...

11:30/Noon - Lunch (time to get away from the chaos)

After lunch I do pretty much the same I do in the morning.  Our office is pretty unpredictable, so we don't ever know if we will be super busy or dead.


4:45/5:00 - Pick-up Evalee! :)  BEST part of my day!

5:00/5:30 - We get home and I start figuring out what to make for supper

6:00/6:30 - We eat

7:00/7:30 - We play for a little while and then it's bath time.

8:00 - Read a story and bedtime for Evalee :)

8:30 - I work out on my elliptical for about a half an hour while I watch a T.V. show.

9:00 - Clean up the dishes and kitchen, fold laundry...and a million other little things I find to do...

Bedtime is whenever I feel like I have accomplished what I need to for the night. 

This timeline is what I do Monday-Friday, and believe me...this is my IDEAL schedule, not one that happens every fact...very rarely does that schedule happen just like that.  Sometimes Evie insists on bath time before supper, and then sometimes needs another bath AFTER supper! :)  And sometimes we read one story, sometimes ten stories, and sometimes that one story, ten times!  Structure and schedules are good, but I think it's always important to not be so set on your schedule that you forget to just live.

In the midst of our daily routines, I think it's important to remember that the world isn't going to end because we are ten minutes late for work...already going to be late?  Go grab a coffee...why not?!  The dishes can wait...paint your daughter's fingernails.  Super tired and don't feel like folding that basket of laundry?  Go to bed! 

Ironically, I heard this song on my way to work today...and it does a really good job of putting things in perspective.  "Start living...that's the next thing on my list".

"My List"
Toby Keith

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