Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 4: Your favorite quote/quotes

I love quotes, so it is hard for me to even just pick a few, but I chose 3 to share that are among my favorite:

I love this because I think we often times underestimate the little things, and we don't always give ourselves as much credit as we deserve.  It takes a lot of bravery to ask for help, and it takes a lot of wisdom and courage to accept the fact that sometimes we will just never know why certain things happen in our lives, and as hard as it is sometimes to wake up in the morning and face those things, it is always important to be thankful that we simply woke up. 

I love this quote simply because it reminds us how important it is to pick ourselves up from the troubles in our lives and not let them define us.  It is not what life hands you, it is what you make of what life hands you.  I know some really ugly people that have been through hell and I know some truly beautiful people that have been through hell.  The only difference is how they chose to handle their struggles.

There is really not a lot of explanation that needs to go with this one.  Do Good...Always.

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