Friday, February 22, 2013

Just another day at the office...

One of my co-workers and I have a small obsession with today she asked me if I wanted to go check out Maruices during lunch break...I of course am broke until payday, but how can you resist a trip to such a great store?  I immediately found a pair of shoes I *almost* couldn't resist...I am secretly praying they still have my size next Friday when I get paid so I can go back and get them...we then went to the bakery for lunch which is always a good choice. 

I tell you...this co-worker of mine...she has heard IT ALL from me!  She has seen me at my worst and my best...we laugh...A the office.  I admire her a lot for many things she does.  She has been my sounding board on many occasions, and I hope she's reading this because she has really made my job enjoyable, and my life more tolerable a lot of times!

There are 3 of us in my office...and we all have such a great least I do...haha!  We deal with a lot of crazy, frustrating situations and I have learned that instead of taking it just learn to laugh about it...laugh at the silly things people do and say, and the crazy situations people get themselves into.  It seems like every day I go to work I end up going home thankful for something different.  Whether it be thankful that I just simply have common sense, or on a more serious note, thankful that I have family that is always there to help me out.

If I have learned anything through my work, it's that those of us who have family/friends/neighbors that are willing to help us out during a difficult time, whether it be financial or emotional, are extremely lucky.  Not everyone has that kind of support, and I know I thank my lucky stars every day for my support system.  Without them I don't know what I would do or where I would be. 

I think the saying goes..."What if we woke up tomorrow with only the things we thanked God for yesterday?"  Everyone has problems...everyone has something in their life they wish were better...but the truth could always be worse.  If we all threw our problems into a huge pile, we would grab ours back pretty quickly.  I firmly believe God equips those he hands certain struggles to with the ability to handle those struggles, and we are given certain people in life to help us through. 

I am glad I get to help people in my line of work...some appreciate it...some don't...but in the end, regardless of whether they appreciate it or not...whether they really deserve the help or not, I am still helping people.  A lot of the time they leave my office with a weight lifted off their shoulders, and who doesn't need that once in a while?

Although I am thankful for my job, I am also very thankful for my weekends!  There is truly nothing better than spending time with my daughter!  I was very ready to see 4:30 come today, and I am happy to be home in my sweats.  :)

Remember to be thankful every day for the things in your life that you would be devastated to wake up without tomorrow!

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