Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 1: Introduction and Recent Photo

A lot of you who read my blog posts already know quite a bit about me, but for those of you who don't, here is a little about myself...

My name is Meghan.  I am 26 years old and I was born on September 11.  I have two awesome parents, two younger sisters, and a younger brother.  I had an older half-sister who passed away in 2008.  From her I gained a brother-in-law and nephew.

I have had two children, my son, Bentlee, who passed away in 2011 at 3 1/2 months from SIDS, and my daughter, Evalee, who just turned two in January.  I have never been married, but my two children do share the same biological father (who is not involved).  Those of you who know me know my children are my entire world and that I'd kill for them, and for those of you who don't...well, now you do. ;)

I work full-time for a non-profit community action agency, and have been there for 3+ years now.  I enjoy helping people, and for the most part, really like my job.  Every job has it's pros and cons, but I love my co-workers and that is one of the most valuable things to me.

In my free time, when not completely consumed with my beautiful daughter, I like to do crafty things like make tutus and hair bows.  I like to think I would enjoy scrapbooking, but have yet to accomplish that.  I also enjoy writing, and kind of wish I would have taken the advice and encouragement of my freshman college writing professor and pursued it as a career.

I don't have a huge amount of friends, but the ones I do have are very close and important to me.  I don't always do the best job of being a great friend, but I think we all understand that life is busy...especially now that the majority of my friends have children.

I am currently single due to the devastating loss of my boyfriend a little over 4 weeks ago.  He meant the world to myself and my daughter.  I am currently picking up the shattered pieces of this crazy-beautiful life of mine, and finding my new normal, once again.

In a nutshell, I am very stubborn, and pretty shy until you get to know me.  I will treat you with respect unless you give me a reason not to, and even at that, I will probably still treat you with respect.  I wear my heart on my sleeve more than I probably should, and I have a tendency of giving multiple chances to people who don't necessarily deserve them.

If heartache could kill you, I would certainly be dead by now, but I'm glad I'm not because I don't believe my job on this Earth is done just yet.  My daughter still needs me here.

Feel free to follow along on the next 29 days of my blog challenge. :)

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